Monday, December 30, 2019

Human Digestion Sci/241 - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 251 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/13 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Human Digestion SCI/241 Human Digestion The beginning of the digestive process starts with the smell and sight of food which activate the salivary glands. The mouth is the point at which food enters the digestive tract and continues the digestive process by chewing food. The food is then broken down into pieces and moistened by salivary glands which turn food into a bolus. The bolus goes down the pharynx into the esophagus which connects the pharynx to the stomach. The stomach is an organ that mixes food and secretes gastric juice. The bolus, once in the stomach, is mixed into a semiliquid mass called chime. The stomach is close together with the liver and pancreas but does not get assistance from these organs. The chime then enters the small intestine where the liver and pancreas also begin to work. The intestine is a tube-shaped organ that is part of the digestive tract where digestion of ingested food is completed and the majority of nutrient absorption occurs. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Human Digestion Sci/241" essay for you Create order The small intestine is broken down into parts known as duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Additional secretions that aid in the digestive process come from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. The components of chime that are not absorbed into the small intestine moved into the large intestine through a sphincter. The large intestine includes both the colon and the rectum and is part of the gastrointestinal tract. Additional absorption of water, minerals and vitamins occur in the colon before being released from the body as waste.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Discrimination and Stereotyping of Japanese-Americans Essay

With the attacks on the United States by terrorists, many Americans have been experiencing feelings of fear, sadness and tremendous anger. Many of Middle-Eastern descent have been experiencing great prejudice and discrimination and are being stereotyped as terrorists. These types of feelings are very prevalent in American society today. Similarly, though not widely as discussed, Japanese-Americans have felt these feelings directed toward them for several generations. Going from the extreme of being herded to internment camps after the surprise attack of Pearl Harbor, to the more commonplace, being stereotyped in the entertainment industry and internet sites, prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping have been apart of the lives of†¦show more content†¦This can be seen as an act of discrimination because rather than taking individuals and trying them on espionage, the American government convicted an entire race, without trial and with evidence to the contrary. The treatment of the Japanese Americans who were sent to the internment camps was solely based on race and not on an individual’s personal actions (â€Å"Japanese Internment†). The prejudice of the American government is also apparent. Over 120,000 people were sent to internment camps without evidence against them. The very definition of prejudice according to is â€Å"an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts† (â€Å"Prejudice†). The information gathered that led up this action was ignored, and the American government simply formed the opinion that the Japanese Americans along the West Coast would revolt and that the safety of the natural born United States citizens was more important then the liberties and the lives of more than 120,000 â€Å"foreigners.† This act will forever be remembered as one of the most discriminatory and prejudicial acts in modern American history. A country founded on the principle that every man is created equal and that liberty is something that someone should die for, found itself contradicting its own teachings, and unable to control its own paranoia and feelings of mistrust. War, fear andShow MoreRelatedStereotyping of Asian American Youth: The Effects on Performance in Academics846 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout American history, the United States has been a cauldron where different diversities mix and mingle. In this hot pot of diversity, all of the ingredients (ethnicities) will not always conform to one and other; this could possibly lead to discrimination. This paper will be primarily focus on the discrimination towards Asian American youth of the 21st century and how it affects their academics. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

McDonaldization of American Society and World Free Essays

string(21) " to the main course\." If you have ever had a meal in a restaurant (fast-food/formal dining), used an ATM in a bank, spent your vacation at an amusement park or simply browsed through a mall, you have been exposed to McDonaldization. McDonaldization is â€Å"the process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of America society as well as the rest of the world† (Ritzer, 1996, 1). Nearly ever aspect of today†s society has been affected by McDonaldization including the restaurant business, education, work, healthcare, travel, leisure, dieting, politics and the family (Ritzer, 1996, 1). We will write a custom essay sample on McDonaldization of American Society and World or any similar topic only for you Order Now I observed three East Side Mario†s Restaurant†s establishments while the dinner menu was being served on Saturday evenings between 6pm and 8pm to evaluate the ways in which McDonaldization has affected their company. On January 29th I visited East Side Mario†s in London, Ontario, on February 19th I visited East Side Mario†s in Plano, Texas (I used to hold a job as a server at this location) and on February 26th I visited East Side Mario†s in Orange, California. With the diversity of locations I was able to observe, I compared and contrasted many angles of the East Side Mario†s concept. East Side Mario†s Restaurants Inc. is one of the millions of business† that has implemented the four principles of McDonaldization, which are: efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. With the assistance of Bernard Platt, Vice President of Marie Callender†s Pie Shops, Inc. , former Vice President of East Side Mario†s Restaurant, Inc. , I will offer a condensed presentation of East Side Mario†s history to get you familiar with the business. East Side Mario†s Restaurants, Inc. , is a wholly owned division of Marie Callender†s Pie Shops, Inc. In 1987 a partnership of restauranteurs developed the ESM (for the remainder of this case study I will us the initial ESM to refer to East Side Mario†s Restaurants, Inc. ) concept in North Miami, Florida featuring the excitement and energy of a New York City street festival, a blend of outstanding American and Italian food, a place where families felt welcome and comfortable offering exceptional value. Today operating as a separate division of Marie Callender†s Pie Shops, Inc. , there are a total of 38 American restaurants – 11 corporate and 27 franchise – and there are over 80 ESM restaurants in The United States and Canada. Efficiency is the first dimension of McDonaldization and â€Å"the optimum method for getting from one point to another† (Ritzer, 1996, 9). The parking lot allows ample amount of parking space for customers, including handicapped spaces directly in front of the building for efficient accessibility. The restaurant offers delivery to those who would like to spend their dinner in the comfort and convenience of their own homes. There is a small server to customer ratio to provide the best service expected throughout a customer†s meal. A kid†s bambino menu is offered for children to enjoy less expensive meals that suit their size, along with a separate lunch menu that offers smaller portions for a lighter meal. Happy Hour items are offered at certain hours for a quick snack fix, providing just enough time to satisfy your thirst with a favorite drink. Customers can pay with cash or credit card, whichever is more convenient for them. To streamline the process of the kitchen work ESM simplified pasta dishes (their biggest items) to take only minutes to cook very large quantities. All employees have specialized jobs to divide the work load/streamline, including: host†s/hostess†, bartender†s, server†s, cook†s, dishwasher†s, salad bar attendant†s, cleaning staff, cocktailer†s and management. To simplify the product the menu is limited and specializes in American/Italian food. They offer easy, quickly made finger food appetizers and unlimited soup/salad and bread which is prepared in just seconds. ESM puts you, the customer, to work the minute you walk into the restaurant. Their may or may not be a host/hostess at the front. In the place of service staff you will definitely find a horn on a taxi stand so that a customer may call for service to the front immediately when they would like to be seated. Take-out boxes are available for the customer to take any leftovers home with them. However there is a catch, the box is merely dropped by the table and the customer is expected to put away their own leftovers. The employees and customers of ESM function efficiently together to produce a profit for the business and satisfy the customer. The second dimension of McDonaldization, calculability, is â€Å"an emphasis on the quantitative aspects of products sold (portion size, cost) and service offered (the time it takes to get the product)† (Ritzer, 1996, 9). Servers are paid $6. 85/hr in Canada and $2. 15/hr in The United States. The rest of their money comes from tips so if they expect to take home cash they will have to work to their greatest ability and place their wages in the hands of the customers. Management usually recruits minorities to work the back of the house because they will work hard for little pay. Emphasizing quantity over quality is an important aspect of calculability. With any entree unlimited homeloaf and soup or salad is offered. For the bar flies free peanuts are always out in buckets for all to enjoy. Specials and promotions occur seasonally, like 15-cent wings on Tuesdays. Bigger is seen as better and ESM has conformed to this idea, establishing this illusion with many of its menu items. Large plates are used to serve most meals and give the idea of large portions, with options of three different sides on dinner items. Customers expect quick and accurate service, which ESM has provided by reducing the processes of production to numbers. To promise quick service, the server will initially take a drink/appetizer order to ensure that you as a customer receive prompt service immediately. The bread is brought out before the meal to snack on and give just enough time for transition to the main course. You read "McDonaldization of American Society and World" in category "Essay examples" Customers do not like to sit in a restaurant without something in front of them. Each item on the menu has a preparation time, which is followed by the staff so customers can expect their food to be promptly served. ESM has successfully involved an emphasis on quantification. As the third dimension of McDonaldization, predictability, gives â€Å"the assurance that their [a company†s] products and services will be the same over time and in all locales† (Ritzer, 1996, 10). ESM has establishments across Canada and The United States and no matter where you go you can expect the same service and quality in each and every store. The logo is a familiar sign that represents a promise†¦. the same meal and experience you had at any other ESM. Every store that is built is a replicate of the previous one. The layout of each restaurant is similar, limiting the dining area to all non-smoking and only the bar area has smoking. The same colors are dominant in each store: red, green and white. The immediate feeling you will get when walking inside is that of a New York street with replica†s of the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Scallero Bros. and Costello†s Markets (trademarks of ESM). Interaction between the employees and customers is scripted and predictable at each visit to the restaurant. The customer is seated, informed of specials, drink/appetizer orders are taken, bread, soup and salad are brought before the meal, entrees are served with the offering of cheese or pepper, a desert menu is presented, dishes are cleared from the table and the check is presented and paid for. ESM provides each of its employees with a handbook that outlines server etiquette. The employees are expected to have the mindset of â€Å"the customer is always right† which should convince the customer with the notion â€Å"I†ll be back†. Employee behavior is predictably the same. The staff wears the same casual uniform at each restaurant with a rountinized order of operations. You can always expect to have your server offer you fresh ground pepper or parmesan cheese. With respect to birthdays a desert of choice is presented with the East Side Mario†s famous birthday song. The menu remains the same, introducing new items on promotion once in a while, producing the same predictable products. People expect to have the garlic homeloaf with unlimited soup and salad. The routine, uniformity and systematization of operations in ESM prove that predictability has been achieved. The fourth dimension of McDonaldization is â€Å"increased control and the replacement of human with nonhuman technology† (Ritzer, 1996, 101). ESM has integrated all forms of technology to better their establishment. From the fountain pop dispenser to timed broilers and appliances, every process is controlled by some sort of automation. Under control is both the product and process of the business. The menu continually remains the same, limiting the items for customers to choose from. The Micros system is used to input orders which will be sent to the back of the house, organize each table†s order and have the food out and arranged according to the server†s timing. Server†s and bartender†s are expected to id all customers who look as though they are under the age of 30 for alcoholic beverages. In regards to controlling customers, the guest is expected to honk the horn to get the attention of employees to serve them. If there is a wait a pager is given out to customers to be buzzed at the soonest opportunity a table opens up. When the customer is through with a meal, the check is brought promptly to encourage them to leave and allow the next table to be sat. A tip percentage is required for parties of 8 or more to ensure that the time spent on larger parties will be well rewarded in wages. Nonhuman technologies that have been implemented into ESM operations control the nature of the business. The irrationality of rationality is recognized as the fifth dimension of McDonaldization. This is the downside of McDonaldization emphasizing the basic idea that â€Å"rational systems inevitably spawn irrational consequences†, â€Å"serve to deny human reason† and â€Å"are often unreasonable† (Ritzer, 1996, 13). In regards to efficiency people will go to ESM in search of a relaxing meal to find they have an hour-long wait, congested waiting space and loud noise. The efficiency of spending a family meal in a comfortable atmosphere now becomes inefficient. People are unable to sit right away, asked to wait with their families in a smoke filled bar and expected to just be patient while they anticipating the buzzing of their pager number. Employees who are expected to deal with the impatient customers get irritable which reflects on their work and the restaurant as a whole. When ESM business is slow and employees are unable to make tips there is no longer an incentive to put out quality work. The efficiency of paying minimum wage is lost when workers quit because they do not make enough for tips. The cost of a nice dinner for an average size family of 4 at ESM could cost well over $60. In the long run this could be the cost of 3 home cooked meals. The profit a restaurant business makes on pop and such is huge compared to the production price. A family could just as well spend dinner at home, talking/interacting with one another in a much more comfortable, quit, atmosphere. ESM offers the illusion of fun to attract customers and have them coming back. The setting gives the feeling of a New York City street with all of the downtown memorabilia. â€Å"A taste of little Italy† is used to let the prospective guest know that traditional Italian food will be served with popular Italian/American music filling the dining room. The National Television Network, NTN, offers an interactive trivia game to be played in the bar area. Entertainment is brought in on special occasions and the server†s call out loud to the kitchen to fill the atmosphere with a feeling of excitement. The unreality, or illusion of reality, which often goes unheard of in the restaurant business, still exists. The reality is that you aren†t going to see the service staff singing and dancing with customer as they do in the commercial, in fact you†ll be lucky if you can flag them down as they run by your table at top speed. The streets of New York City are not resembled accurately by the miniature landmarks located throughout the restaurant and it†s unlikely a true Italian (person with Italian heritage) will serve your meal. All of this is not reality. Dehumanization recognizes a system that is destructive to human beings. This dehumanization recognized in society is evident through health and environmental hazards, the dehumanization of customers and employers, a negative effect on human relationships and homogenization. The increased concern for the human diet is strongly affected by eating out and Italian food is extremely fattening. A dish known as fettuccine alfredo has been given the nickname â€Å"heart attack on a plate†. To adapt to these concerns ESM has began to offer low fat dressings and deserts. The vegetables have to be used in good time, as does much of the inventory so that contaminated/old food is not distributed. Dishes must be cleaned thoroughly so that germs do not transfer to other customers. ESM provides a fairly environmentally friendly establishment with reusable dishes. The biggest concern is over styrofoam take-out boxes. Customers follow through with the same routine every time they enter a restaurant. ESM encourages the employees to follow script but at the same time get comfortable and act interested in the customer. But that†s just it†¦ an act. Servers really are not interested in the lives of every stranger who steps foot in the building. Scripting brings employees and customers down to a primitive dehumanizing level of interaction. Turnover rates at ESM are not as high as those in the fast food industry however it is unlikely that the same person will ever serve you. There is little, impersonal contact between people. ESM offers benefits for staying with the company, employee incentives, and employee events to encourage longer lasting relationships with the company and fellow workers, thus increasing the likelihood of establishing a relationship with customers. ESM is a chain with franchises and individually owned stores. With its diversity of location it gives people the opportunity to recognize a familiar place and limiting the appeal to ever try anything new. Because ESM is the same no matter where you go you could virtually enter one restaurant and not know whether you were in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, or Phoenix, Arizona, USA. This is limiting the diversity of our world and proves that McDonaldization is homogenizing every aspect of society into one. All of these dehumanizing effects of McDonaldization apply to ESM and add to the irrationality that actually exists. â€Å"As McDonaldization comes to dominate ever more sectors of society, it will become ever less possible to ‘escape† from it† (Ritzer, 1996, 143). In other words McDonaldization imprisons people into an iron cage. Max Weber referred to it as the â€Å"iron cage of McDonaldization† implying that the systems of society will become so inhuman that the systems will eventually have control of everything. To make it in a McDonaldized society higher profits and lower costs will continue to be the goals of all businesses. The best ways to reach this goal is to conform to McDonaldization and strive for efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. ESM increases profit by taking each of these steps so that it can keep up with the competition. People have come to value the individual dimensions of McDonaldization and insist on relating to them even if they are not rewarded with economic gains. ESM has fallen into the trap and chosen locations on busy street corners surrounded by its competitors where a huge concentration of McDonaldization resides. The process of McDonaldization is so desirable that it is pursued as an end to itself (Ritzer, 1996, 145). Fordism is the ideals Henry Ford projected into society. Mass production of a single product, using a simple assembly line process, standardized routines, deskilling, and more demanding and expanding markets have arisen as the result of Fordism. ESM came out of the woodwork with the idea of bringing New York City†s Little Italy to any city. They became part of the restaurant market and had to adopt Fordism principles in order to reach high profitability with low costs. Post-Fordism arose later on and is characterized by more customized/specialized products, smaller systems for specialization, technologies that will produce a range of products, requiring more workers, which in turn leads to diversity once again. ESM has also incorporated post-Fordism characteristics. They use one computer system to run the security systems, kitchen appliances, run credit charges and place orders. They cater to each individual customer, giving them what they ask for. Finally, postmodernism, the idea that we are entering a more irrational and flexible era. The spread of different cultures throughout all of society is a product of postmodernism. ESM brought Little Italy to all kinds of cities. In fact, this American/Italian restaurant does not even exist in Italy. This society is superficial; people pass through McDonaldized systems without even being phased by them. No one walks into ESM and thinks; â€Å"wow this is a superficial McDonaldized system†. Every product and service has been presented before. ESM doesn†t have the original calamari al† diavolo sitting in a glass case to display. We now live in an n impersonal world. Even though employees approach customers with interest and a smile, they do not have a personal relationship with them. There no longer exists much emotion or expression in the postmodern society. We have to work hard at impressing people these days, having to always find something new and exciting to keep a customer hooked. Events of the past and present blur together. It is hard to distinguish between each visit to a restaurant, eventually all the visits blur together. Reproductive technologies have taken over. Computers and TV†s dominate industry and the lives of every individual. In the restaurant business if the computers were to crash†¦. there goes the payroll, power, cash registers; the entire operation is over in the blink of an eye. Just like nearly all institutions in our society ESM is trapped in an â€Å"iron cage of McDonaldization†. I believe McDonaldization has invaded every sector of society and as someone who grew up with McDonaldization at every corner of my life I would have to say it†s been productive. It has allowed society to evolve. Every aspect of life has consequences and downfalls; it†s just a matter of dealing with them. I like moving at a fast pace. Why do people have to make friends with every person they encounter? It†s nice to have companionship but not from your server in a restaurant. McDonaldization has served as a directing force, another stage in our history. We adapt to every turn the world makes and change is good. When all of the aspects of McDonaldization are intertwined society runs smoothly. East Side Mario†s was an example of a company that followed all the rules, aimed for a goal and made it. I believe that†s all that it should take in anything you do in life to make it, just follow the rules and reach for your goals. McDonaldization is a positive contribution to society. How to cite McDonaldization of American Society and World, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Resort Events

Question: How to organize various promotional events in and outside of the resort? Answer: The resort needs sponsors to be able to organize various promotional events in and outside of the resort. The sponsors can be a part of a particular facility and aspect of the resort. Like the companies, dealing in equipment for hiking can sponsor hiking packages. Thus, they need to be approached through direct marketing. Pr activities will help to attract the attention of the sponsors too (Burns, 2014). As the project is inside the Egmont National Park, the government needs to be aware of the expansion project, and various licenses and clearances need to be extracted from the government. For that purpose, the government needs to be approached through direct marketing. Many proposals and presentation have to be submitted to the government departments. Under the government come three major divisions - Stratford District Council, Taranaki Regional Council, and Department of Conservation Taranaki (Pradhan Mohanty, 2014). Stratford District Council is a regulatory board that is responsi ble for the preservation and conservation of various factors of the environment. The council looks after the Water Services, Rubbish Recycling, Roads Transport, Rates Property Information, Planning Resource Consents, Parking Vehicles, Land Information Memorandum, Funding Grants, Environmental Health, Emergency Management, Community Development, Building Services, and Animals Stock. For the expansion of the resort, the permission from the Stratford District Council is very essential. The council participates in regulating and protecting the environment health and abides by the relevant legislations like Health Act 1956, Food Act 2014, Gambling Act 2003, Resources Management Act 1991, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 and Local Government Act 2002 (Demeke, 2014). Planning and resources consent is important in the case of the resort as the expansion is going to take place and the council will undertake inspection is all the criterias are met in the expanded area. T he resort will submit the application form and have to give a presentation on the proposal. The council will assess the sustainability of the project and will keep monitoring the progression of the expansion. The council will grant the consent when it is sure that the plan is feasible and does not harm the environment in any way. The council will make sure that water supply activities are regulated and maintained. Water should be treated well before disposing of in the area. The reticulation system should be in working condition. The resort has to adopt all the measures for water treatment and reticulation system to protect and maintain the water supply in the area (Kim, Lim Brymer, 2015). The Taranaki Regional Council was established with the aim to manage the use, development, and protection of the natural and physical resources of Taranaki region. The council is responsible for the conservations and logical use of resources in the region. The resort authority has to seek permiss ion from the council to be able to expand the resort area. Department of Conservation Taranaki is focused on the conservation and education of the organisations regarding the businesses in the region. The resort needs to seek permission for the expansion of the property. The resort also plans to expand the range of activities provided by the resort. The internal stakeholders are the employees of the resort and for them, direct communication and emails are the best-suited communication mode. The employees need to be briefed as well about the expansion plan. This will help to increase the coordination among the employees and the employer and will increase the output of the resort (Gascn, et al., 2016). Hiring an Advertising Agency Hiring an advertising agency will help the resort to create an appropriate an advertising campaign. It will also be taken care of the public relations as well. The agency will create the communication in alignment with plans of the resort. While hiring an ad agency, the authorities should note that the ad agency is experienced and has handle projects like this (Yeshin, 2012). However, for the promotion of the resort, only four techniques: AdvertisementAdvertisements will be designed with the focus on the expansion of the resort. The highlight should be the new and refreshed look of the resort and various amenities that are going to be introduced in the resort. The focal point of the advertisement campaign will reflect the pristine natural beauty of Egmont national park. The advertisement will highlight the outdoor activities that the resort will provide (Jayawardena, et al., 2013). The ads will be focusing on the beauty of the location of the resort. Three set of ads that will focus on the following three aspects of the resort facilities: Scenic beauty Spa facility and other amenities Outdoor activities like tramping, hiking and walkingThe advertisements will be placed in the television, newspaper, magazines, and billboards. These advertisements will start appearing in the local newspaper and television channels in the first year and from the second the periphery for the campaign will be broadened. By the end of the five years, the aim is to make the name of the resort as a synonym to Egmont National Park or Mount Taranaki. The resort should also be the second for luxury, peace of mind and adventure. Public relation Public relation is practiced to increase the goodwill of a company. Here the PR activities will take place to able to communicate the expansion plan of the resort and that more guests should pour in, as after the expansion is completely executed the resort will be able to accommodate more guests at a time. The PR will increase the reliability of the resort and the facilities provided by the company. The PR activities will include the sponsored programs conducted in other major cities like Auckland, Wellington and others. Travel magazines and television shows will be approached to come to the resort and write stories and shows about the resort. The PR personals will help the resort become a popular name whenever any tourist or any other stakeholder thing of Mount Taranaki. This will help the tourist to notice the expansion plan and attract them towards the resort (Gershon, et al., 2013). Sponsors will be contacted to organize events in the resort premise. Companies like Active Adventu res and Flying Kiwi will be contacted to organize a hiking event, which will be covered by media. Companies like Macpac NZ and Gearshop can also join the event by sponsoring the gears and equipment for the event. This event will help to boost the name of the resort. The resort will organize a food festival event, where the specialty cuisine of New Zealand and particularly of the Taranaki region will be highlighted. Again, the sponsors can be companies, which provide kitchen equipment, cutlery, or raw material supplying company. Raw material supplying company like oil or sauce manufacturing companies can join the event. Direct marketing The investors, suppliers, sponsors and the government will be handled through direct marketing. This will help the resort to approaching the concerned organization and government directly. This helps in increasing the credibility and helps in avoiding miscommunication and misunderstanding between the two concerned parties. The concerned parties will be directly approached through emails and letters (AlBattat, Som, 2013). The resort needs direct communication with various governmental departments like Stratford District Council, Taranaki Regional Council, and Department of Conservation Taranaki. The resort needs to seek for permissions and licenses for the expansion and changes in the infrastructure. The resort needs directly to contact the officials in these councils and departments to present their proposal. The proposals should encapsulate the good measures adopted by the resort and its eco-friendly nature. Corporate social responsibilityCSR is another practice that every organization tends adopt nowadays. CSR practice helps the organization to bring along the good qualities of the organization. The resort will engage in clean and green movement and highlight the great work they are doing in the conservation of the Egmont National Park. They will highlight the fact that even if the resort I in the midst of the national park it does not harm the natural beauty. Rather the resort indulges in all the good practices that will help the conservation of the national park (Cech, Beranek Tomastik, 2015). Moreover, the resort can highlight that their use of recycled products they have implemented in their daily operations. The resort uses recycled papers and banned plastic products in the resort. The resort has implemented all the water treatment plants to purify the water before disposing of in the environment. They use organic products inside the resort area. These facts should be highlighted in the PR campaign to boost the image of the resort am ong the tourists. The campaign should focus on the fact that the resort provides its guest to experience a completely natural and organic environment to relax their senses. Developing an effective communication plan Identifying target audienceFirst, the resort needs to identify its target audience. The demographic considerations are secondary in case of the resort. As the resort is situated in the heart of Egmont national park and offers luxurious stay in the midst of the natural beauty, the resort should focus on the upper middle-class people. The resort is already popular among the tourist due to its location and Swiss style interior dcor. The target audience thus should be the nature enthusiast. Tourists who are interested in outdoor activities like hiking, tramping, etc. are more likely to be a target. Adventures are abundant in New Zealand, and Taranaki is a favorite destination for hikers and tramping enthusiasts. The Taranaki track is one of the most beautiful and popular tracks in New Zealand. This is a great and picturesque place for photographers. They will be able to capture the dynamic and ever-changing moods to the forest and the pristine e nvironment (Teng, et al., 2013). Determining the communication objectives The objective of the communication plan is to create the awareness about the expansion of the resort. The communication plan will focus on highlighting the new additions features offered by the resort and the luxurious amenities offered by the resort. The plan should also highlight the outdoor activities and packages related to the activities. The plan has to focus on the fact that the resort offers a world-class experience for the guest in the midst of the Egmont National Park. The resort will allow its guest to explore, experiment, and get the feel of the untouched natural beauty of the region. The resort is an ideal place of adventure lovers and nature lovers. They will be able to engage in various activities like hiking, tramping and walking around the national park (Barreda, Bilgihan, 2013). Designing a message The message will be designed in such a fashion that the audience will be able to recognize D awson Falls Mountain Lodge. The message should reflect the location and the unique feature of the resort. Thus, the direct message would be the abode of wild beauty. This message is direct and precise. It directly presents the location and reflects that the guests will be able to enjoy and relax during their stay. The message strikes the imagination of the nature lovers, photographers, and casual tourists at the same time. The message indicates the untouched beauty of the natural abundant New Zealand that to not far away from the amenities provided by the concrete jungle with the country (Roth, 2014). Choosing mediaThe communication plan will incorporate the use of every media that is available for advertisement. Travel related journals, magazines and all the leading national newspapers would cover the resort. New media would be largely used for the advertisements. Travel, tourism, and hospitality related websites would be carrying the ads. Guests would get to know about the activities and the special offers of the resort will while casually surfing the internet. New media can be used to create events online and engaging people in a contest that will promote the plans of the resort and the world-class facilities that the resort offers (Zhong, Yang Zhang, 2014). Television advertisements are essential and play and great impact on the audience. The audience could visually realize "The abode of the wild beauty". This will compel the tourist to come and experience the facilities and nature at the same time. Television channel shows will be an approach to conducting shows on the reso rt to boost the credibility of the resort. Collecting feedbackOnce the campaign is ready, the agency would run a demo campaign. This will help to gauge the impact of the campaign by surveying a small population of a region. The feedback will be collected through a survey. This feedback will indicate the impact on the audience. If the impact is as estimated, then the campaign will be run on a full scale. Otherwise, necessary changes will be applied, or the campaign might be revised completely (Lupu, et al., 2013). Moreover, the resort and the agency will know when and what to do. This will keep them organised and control their budget. A communication plan will help the agency and the organization to keep a track of the progress that takes place in the due course of 5 years. It will serve as the roadmap for your project. It would bring clarity to your project and the tactics that are required to be taken. It will help identify the hurdle and take necessary measures to deal with the hurdles.A communication plan helps in comprehending the manner that is going to be adopted by various stakeholders. It will help the organization to clarify the exact plan and the roles the various stakeholders will play during the expansion of the resort. A well-articulated communication plan will help the stakeholders to understand that they value for the organisation and that the organisation has given the space to the stakeholders to give their inputs. This will help you gauge the success of your project identifi es the areas that need more focus. Monitoring and evaluation of communication campaign The communication campaigns would be minutely monitored by the agency and resort authorities would supervise that the execution of the campaign is done as the plan or not. Monitoring means to check, observe or track changes. The supervision will look into all the aspects of the communication plan. Further, the evaluation process will help the resort to understand that the impact of the communication plan. Evaluation will help understand the significance, importance, and value of the complete communication plan and the consequent campaigns. Monitor and evaluation will help gather feedback that allows better comprehension of the current market situation and formulates a better communication plan or adopts other tactics in the next phase of the communication plan. Monitoring will help the people who are responsible for the particular tasks and help them quick decisions for the operations of the communication plan. It will help increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the communicati on plan and use of resources. This will help make changes, improve the current program, and maximise the impact of the project. Building in-house communication channel for employees An in-house communication channel has to be implemented for the employees. The system should be developed in such a fashion that the employees will be able to communicate with other properly, and every significant exchange of conversations should be recorded. These will include the hr department to be able to identify the glitches and problem that disrupts the operations of the employees. The employees will be able to report any hurdles in the daily functioning of the resort. A good communication channel will help the organisation to coordinate properly a without any hassle. The communication plan should incorporate direct communication. Direct communication will help avoid any kind misunderstanding and miscommunication. Conclusion This communication plan is a roadmap for The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge for the next five years. This plan will help the resort to build a brand name for itself and make the every stakeholder aware of the expansion of the resort. The communication plan is intended to create awareness about the resort on a national scale. The plan will make sure that the agency or the organisation does not digress from the aim of the plan. The plan will help the organisation monitor and evaluate the impact that the campaign is creating on the overall business and its contribution to the brand value of the organisation. After the five years, the organisation will need to create another plan for the future. Until then this plan will guide the organisation. The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has to follow the plan rigorously to see the required results. All the tactics and techniques used in the communication plan are an integral part of the communication plan. 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